Karen & Ira

Monday, January 29, 2007

Isabelle loves going for car rides

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She gets very happy (appears drunk) after she eats

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Uncle Mike came for a visit

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They say sleep when the baby sleeps :)

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

She might be a bit vain

She will just stare at her reflection in the mirror
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Her closet

Some friends of mine and Danielle had a shower for us this Sunday. Isabelle is going to be the best dressed little girl in town! :)
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She loves playing on her Gymini Mat and listening to Beethoven

Thanks Howie and Greta and the Zermans in LA!
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She likes her fishtank...check out the reach!

Thanks to the Smith family in Poughkeepsie!

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Tuesday, January 09, 2007

First sponge bath

She's just so cute!

Celebrating the 7th night of Hannukah

Kitty doesn't seem impressed

Monday, January 08, 2007

Big brother Ethan helps out

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Friday, January 05, 2007

2 Week Checkup

Today, Isabelle had her 2-week checkup. According to Dr. Hardy, who is widely respected in the Smith household, she is perfect. Isabelle weighed in at an even 7 pounds. This is a 15 ounce increase over her birth weight. All other aspects checked out just fine, and her next appointment will be in about 6 weeks.

By the way, in response to the many requests we have registered at www.babiesrus.com. Select Baby Registry, fill in Registry Number 33949572 and click "find Registry". Or you can just click the link to the right...

If you do not see anything of interest, gift cards are nice too. We are saving up for a couple of larger furniture purchases.