Karen & Ira

Thursday, March 29, 2007

New Toy

She loves her new Baby Einstein Jumper. We tried it out in the store and she took right to it. I taught her how to say, "Buy it Daddy!"...it worked. Everybody who passed the aisle in the store commented how cute she is. She is about an inch too short to really jump in it but she is able to play with all the toys around it and has already figured out how to turn herself so she can change her view.
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Just so cute :)

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A visit with the Youngs...future babysitter :)

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Cute outfit...from Estelle

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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

3 month portraits

We took Isabelle to Picture People in the mall for 3 month portraits. It was our first time doing something like this. It was the first morning that she didn't take her nap in a while and instead napped on the way over. So...she wasn't her usual smiling self however...she is so cute anyway they came out pretty well!


email address is: krhsmith@gmail.com
password is: 123456
check them out!

If for some reason you want to order any please e-mail me first. I would need to invite you to view the pictures on your own e-mail.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

New camera