Karen & Ira

Sunday, April 29, 2007

We set up the high chair that Uncle Ed and Aunt Laura got us...she loves it!

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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

How did that happen??? (roll over) :)

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Favorite new position

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Isabelle with Brenda Strong from Desperate Housewives

Isabelle with Karen's cousin Lenore

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Thursday, April 19, 2007

Isabelle Talks about her Adoption

Celebratory Lunch

We went to Dexter's to celebrate the day!
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Adoption Day

Not the best picture but here it is...the day Isabelle legally became ours!
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Sunday, April 08, 2007

2 more cute pictures

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Isabelle's favorite hangout postition

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Zerman, Smith, Haber (taken by Mitchell)

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Habers and Zermans

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Eden's turn

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Self-timer...2 families

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Laughing at Eden

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Passover/Road Trip

The Trip:
So we headed down to South Florida for Passover. We packed the car with everything we own...OK, so not everything. We certainly were a sight to see each time we came and left the hotel. We needed a cart to carry everything in and out...3 nights!
BUT....we really didn't need all that we brought. Isabelle had 3 record night sleeps in a row! The first night we drove from Uncle Eric's house to the hotel about 20 minutes away. Isabelle was sleeping before we got in the car and was still sleeping when we arrived in our room. We left her in her car seat carrier and decided we would move her to the crib when she woke up for her feeding. So at 3AM when I woke up...I decided to let the sleeping baby sleep. (First I felt her chest to make sure she was breathing :)). PS, she slept 9 hours without waking at all! The last 2 nights went pretty much the same way.
We have decided that Isabelle likes to travel...we are excited about that! She also was getting lots of stimulation from her cousin Eden...making her laugh and giggle. The pictures you will see of her smiling and laughing was while Eden was singing or just entertaining her.
Overall it was really a great trip. She traveled well both ways, she adapted nicely to new surroundings (baths in all new places), she loved being around her cousins. Basically she was her usual adorable sweet self the whole time. :)

The Seder:
The Seder was very nice. Pretty simple but we hit all of the key points. Eden did an amazing job of reading. That may have been the highlight. It was very nice for all of us to be together!

Visit with the Zerman's:
The last night my Mom hosted a dinner with Eric's family, Our family and Jared's family. It was great seeing all of the children playing. It was equally as great listening and watching Mitchell hold his own in a sports conversation with Eric, Ben, Jared and Ira. :)
It is always so nice to see family...even better they got to meet Isabelle! (We can't wait to see Lenore in 2 weeks here in Orlando)