Karen & Ira

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Daddy's Girl

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She fell asleep eating :)

Sunday, September 02, 2007

That's all for now...bye :)

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These are a few of my favorite things

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She loves to stand up

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Our play area

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I LOVE swinging :)

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a musician?

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The latest with Isabelle

So my brother politely reminded me today that I haven't been posting too much on the blog lately. Very true however I have been 'logging' Isabelle's adventures in a scrapbook. Yes...I am hooked on scrapbooking. What a great way to put in pictures and words Isabelle's life. However, that doesn't do much good for those of you who don't get to see her on a regular basis.

So what's been happening? Let's see...Isabelle has her first tooth. That was exciting. One down 19 to go :). She is going to be 9 months old September 19th. I can't believe it. This time is going way too quickly. Watching her grow and learn everyday is such a miracle. I am so fortunate to be able to stay at home and be a part of her growth. She really has a very pleasant and happy personality. She rarely cries and loves to laugh and screech (sp?). When she gets really excited she opens her mouth really wide and moves her arms up and down. It is very cute.

Our day usually starts the same. We play in the bedroom in a large play area that is gated. We usually have breakfast about 1/2 hour after we get up. We are still nursing so sometimes she does not eat much at breakfast. She likes to eat real bananas and canteloupe if I can find a really ripe one. Then depending on what I am doing at the YMCA that day we either go there for a 9:30 class or if I am going to a later class Isabelle takes a nap first. The mornings go really well. She loves the Y and I have been getting into really good shape. In fact I am the lightest I have been in many years...size 6 jeans....YEAH! Anyway, back to Isabelle :). She loves to play at the Y. All the ladies know her and love her. They know when I come to pick her up that I like to watch first so they don't bring her right to me. She is so cute when she plays. She is very curious and goes into all the boxes of toys and pull things out. Of course she has to put everything in her mouth but we are used to that. IT is particularly cute when the 3- 6 year olds play with her. She really gets a kick out of that.

We come home for lunch (lunch is typically peas and something...in fact all meals are typically peas and something...she loves peas. She also likes to eat canned carrots. She does really well with the finger foods) and usually have one activity in the afternoon. Either shopping or swimming or some other type of errand. We have really loved the playdates we go on. We have one friend Eileen who is the same age as me and has a one and three year old. Sometimes we go there and all have lunch together. The kids play and then we go swimming in their pool.

When Ira is in town he usually gets home around 6:00 and we all have dinner together. Then at about 6:30 Isabelle watches her one video for the day. That gives me time to get ready for the bedtime routine and clean up a bit. I usually give Isabelle her bath and Ira gives her the nightime bottle. She normally is sleeping by 8:30 or 9:00.

She doesn't 'sleep through the night'. She gets up at around 3AM and nurses for about 15 minutes and then goes back to sleep until somewhere between 5:30 and 7:30. If she gets up at 5:30 she will usually nurse and go back to sleep for an hour or so.

So anyway, you all probably didn't need that much detail but there you go. Did I mention the two words she says are Dada and Cat. Actually, "Hi Cat". She is certainly my daughter :)

Enough words...let me post some pictures!