Karen & Ira

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Isabelle and Karen's Trip to NY

We had a great trip to NY to visit family and enjoy Mitchell Zerman's Bar Mitzvah. Thanks to Uncle David and Grandpa Gary for getting us there and to Jared, Amy Mitchell and Adam (and 2 cats) for being wonderful hosts to us! Isabelle did great all around (after needless worrying by me on how she would do) including the air travel.
It was so nice to get to meet Claudia's baby and see her and Rob. Although it was all too short it was also nice to see Grandpa Gary and Barbara.
It was great to see all the Zermans and for Isabelle to meet her cousins Gemma and Gillian for the first time.
Unfortunately Uncle David was sick but Isabelle had a great time with cousin Lielle, showing off her swimming skills, jumping off the diving board a bunch of times and going down the water slide into the pool. Rachel, Avraham and Esther thoroughly enjoyed her company too!

Pix from the NY Trip

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More Pix from NY

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