Karen & Ira

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! No news on the adoption front...no news is good news.

As a way of giving thanks I encourage you to click on the URL and sign the petition to help save the victims of Genocide in Darfur.


Bush said "Not on our Watch"...but it IS happening on our watch!



At 5:19 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I thought I would comment as nobody in the family has had the decency to respond to your posts. Blogging is tough and it's nice when those who check in drop you a line to say "Hello!" But Noooooo. Not this group.

Anyway Hello you 2, soon to be 3.
Sheldon and Lisa

At 6:26 PM, Blogger Karen & Ira said...

So that is what a 'comment' is. Thanks Sheldon & Lisa! :)

At 11:39 AM, Blogger David said...

Well, the last thing I want to be is part of this group, as Sheldon so eloquently put it. So I will be sure to post random comments to your blog entries, starting with this one!



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