Karen & Ira

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Two Month Doctor Visit

Well I only cried a little! (Karen) Her check-up went great...she weighs 11 pounds which is in the 50th percentile. She has grown 3 inches since her birth. Everything else checked out A-OK. Then came the shots. First she had to drink a liquid which went very well. The nurse was very impressed. Then, came 4 shots. The nurse was amazing. By the time I looked she was on the 3rd shot and had band-aids on the first two. Isabelle started off with a normal cry which quickly turned into a painful one. I'm sure all of you parents have been through this but my tears just came. It was hard to see her so upset. She was over it as soon as we picked her up.

We like to nap together
Isabelle has become very talkative this last week. The talking is accompanied by lots of smiles. I can't imagine it getting any better than this but something tells me it will! I am getting some great video of our conversations. I hope to figure out how to post that.

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