Karen & Ira

Monday, May 28, 2007

So big

I can't believe she is already over 5 months old! Isabelle continues to amaze me every single day. Her beauty, her personality, the way she learns...I have tears of joy almost every day. She reminds me constantly that miracles do come true and that we have been truly blessed.
She is working on her backwards crawling these days. Very cute! She also loves to put her big toe in her mouth. In fact anything to do with her feet is entertaining for her. Isabelle has suddenly taken notice of the cat. She thinks he is pretty funny and if she gets a chance to touch him she takes advantage. She is happiest when I (or Daddy)sing and dance with her although she is pretty much happy doing anything.
Still not sleeping through the night but we usually get an 8-hour stretch from about 8 - 4. I hear eventually she will sleep 12 hours straight...right :)!
I have a working web cam and use either Skype or Sight Speed (better) so if anybody wants to say hi and see her in action just give us a call!


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