Karen & Ira

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Thanksgiving and Adoption Update

We had a great Thanksgiving in New York with some beautiful weather. We visited with Smiths, Habers and Zermans...awesome!

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Today we got a call from our adoption attorney. This is the first time she called us so after a half hour of phone tag and not being able to breath we spoke to her.

Apparently the birthfather called our attorney last week to say he was not aware of the birthmother's pregnancy and in fact did not believe she was pregnant. After confirming to him that the birthmother was indeed pregnant, he indicated he was not sure he wanted to give his consent. After considerable discussions with the attorney in which she clearly explained his options and responsibilities, the birthfather agreed he would provide his consent. He actually asked whether it would be possible to provide his consent prior to the birth. Unfortunately, the law does not allow for consent to be given prior to birth.

Every indication is that the birthmother fully intends to follow through with the adoption and that while the birthfather may flex his muscles every now and then, he is not prepared to take on the responsibility of a child. In short, this recent activity does not impact our situation all that much.

In other news, the birthmother has asked her doctor to consider inducing labor a couple of weeks early, which he has indicated he will consider based on the next couple of checkup appointments. According the most recent medical reports, the baby's movement, heartbeat and size are all where they should be...


At 10:24 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Keeping our fingers crossed for you both! The good news is that the birthmother is due around Christmas, and that means the doctor will likely go with her wishes to be induced early, if the baby is well, because that decreases the risk of him being called in to deliver during his holiday celebration! I begged to be induced 2 weeks early on both of mine and was obliged (more because I was a pain in the butt!) We are thinking of you & please let us know if there is anything we can be of help with.
Love, Chip & Angel


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