Karen & Ira

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

6 Months Old!

Wow...I can't believe Isabelle is 6 months old already. How time flies!!!
This weekend we are having her baby naming. We have lots of family coming to town and are very excited about seeing everyone. We will also be celebrating Ethan's 6th birthday (in a big way). This is the first time he will be here in Florida on his actual birthday. I'm sure I will have lots of pictures to share next week :)

I don't know if I told everyone but Isabelle was called to participate in a photo shoot for the cover of Conceive Magazine. I thought that meant she was going to be on the cover but she is one of many adorable babies that were there. We will find out next month if she will be on the cover. You can view the pictures at:

The founder of the magazine moderated a panel that we had at the Gala/Health Fair that I organized. She met Isabelle at the end of the panel (where myself and a few other women talked about their fertility journeys) and was dazzled by Isabelle's smile. She said Isabelle should be on the cover and I figured she was just saying that. Anyway...it was a fun day and we got lots of very cute pictures that we can order for ourselves...check it out!


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