Karen & Ira

Monday, December 11, 2006

Spoke to the Adoption Attorney

There were some issues last week with Medicaid so the attorney called today to let us know the benefits kicked in and Rebbecca (birthmother) has her card. She has an appointment with the Doctor on Wednesday and is going to ask him to induce her. She is going to try and entice the Doctor with avoiding a delivery during the holidays. Apparently her last child was born during this time and she was able to deliver early.

Nancy (attorney) said Rebbecca sounds good and all indications are that she will proceed with the placement. Nancy explained that when birthmothers do back out they usually do things like not return calls and make unusual demands for money. That is not the case with Rebbecca.

Other news...the birthfather is back in jail. He does not have a driver's license and was out driving and got into a minor accident. They took him directly to jail. (he was not injured) He contacted Rebbecca and asked her to find out from Nancy if he could sign the papers from jail. (He can...Nancy has had to do that before) So that works out well for us.

I'm not sure if I told you all but Rebbecca is hiding this pregnancy from her family. She did that successfully with her last pregnancy also. She had a back injury a few years ago which had her off her feet for quite a few months. She gained a bunch of weight during that time. She does not see her family much but had plans this past weekend. They told her she looked well and asked her if she was loosing weight. I don't really get that but I don't know what it's like to be her!

We expect to hear back from the attorney tomorrow to get an updated due date. Waiting patiently....right!


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