Karen & Ira

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Adoption Update

We have just received an update from the Adoption Attorney. Rebecca has asked her doctors if they are willing to induce labor prior to the 12/28 due date. The bad news is that they were not inclined to schedule early inducement. The good news is that she is now about 2-3 cm dilated, so things might move along on their own...

Stay tuned to this channel for the latest news on the adoption front and other top stories...


At 6:34 PM, Blogger Greta & Howie said...

This is getting SO EXCITING! We can't wait to hear more. You know how much we love you, right? Greta & Howie

At 10:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Got all my fingers & toes crossed that everything goes smoothly.

LOVE your wedding pic, what a great idea!

Happy Chanukkah,

At 9:35 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I sent you an email hope you got it :) Im so excited for you. Praying things go the right way for you and Ira. Talk to you soon


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