Karen & Ira

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The baby is ours!!!

Papers are signed...the deal is done! We were with Isabelle Deanna Smith from about 4:30 - 7:00 and then again from 10:15 to 1:00.
She is absolutely beautiful :)...We are in love
We have had a long day and are going to sleep right now. Tomorrow look for lots of pictures and much more details!


At 7:30 AM, Blogger carolyn said...

Mazel Tov. I am truly filled with joy for you. Gary told me about the site last week and have been following with great anticapation. What a joyous Hannukah and Happy New Year this is. Aunt Carolyn

At 7:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, Happy Chanukah to you! Congratulations! (If only you could see the crazy/happy dance I'm doing for you right now... well maybe not!)
What are you naming your daughter, Mom & Dad?
Sending you more hugs and congrats that you can imagine,

At 8:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oops, I got so excited I didn't read closely enough, Isabelle Deanna is a beautiful name!

Mazel Tov a million times over! I'm SO happy for you!!!

Can't wait to see her pictures,

At 8:44 AM, Blogger David said...


Ahem. Sorry about that. Lost my head.

I'm an uncle again!! Wait - Karen is a mother!!!! Wow. WOW!

Well, dear sister, you are one BLESSED woman. May Hashem continue to bless you, Ira and Isabelle Deanna with only good things for many, many years to come!

At 9:03 AM, Blogger Jen St. Peter said...

Congradulations! I'm so happy for you, I'm tearing up myself. What a wonderful gift.
Love Jen

At 11:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best holiday "gift" of all. Somehow congratulations doesn't sound like the right word. I guess Mazel Tov works!

At 2:57 PM, Blogger Daria, Irina; Pat said...

Congrats! What a wonderful day. What a wonderful baby girl. We are besides ourselves with joy for you 3.

Patrick, Irina and Daria

At 2:57 PM, Blogger Bklyn Born said...

We are thrilled and relieved that baby Isabelle is home with you!

Ira, if you think you couldn't do anything right *before* the baby came, just you wait . . .

Love Lisa

At 11:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your daughter is beautiful. I love the name. I cried when I read what David wrote, not even knowing what Hashem means. It is wonderful to know that you are a family now. Love, Holly

At 10:36 PM, Blogger Karen & Ira said...

Wow...I just read all the comments...not bad Sheldon? :)

Thank you all for your support and well wishes. We are thrilled beyond words. And now....sleep deprivation sets in.

Talk to you soon!


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